The W family has been with me for a few years now. It’s always an honor to return and photograph their next season. The day was full of giggles, joy, and a couple of well earned lollipops lol.

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The W family has been with me for a few years now. It’s always an honor to return and photograph their next season. The day was full of giggles, joy, and a couple of well earned lollipops lol.
J and her family have been with me from the beginning…of my work in Oklahoma. There are so MANY photographers, so it’s special to me when clients come back year after year after year. I just have to brag on this family. I always get THE kindest messages from J (aka mom) after our session:
“I don’t want to bug you while you’re with family. But want you to know that I’m just sitting here crying staring at the picture of the boys. I know you’re stressed and have so much going on but you should know that the way you capture those moments are just beyond what I can explain. I’m sitting here staring at that photo reminds me that they are the only thing that matters. Thank you so much for giving me that reminder ♥️”
Just let me bawl a moment to myself.
And now I need to brag on J (aka dad). I know family photos are probably like his least favorite thing to do. But he SHOWS up every time, he smiles, looks at J or the boys, loves on the boys, or looks at the camera ALL when I tell him to. Like I cannot make that dude crack a smile for the life of me if we’re just talking, but when the camera comes up to my eye, he’s on and does it all, just to make J happy.
If you have a reluctant picture taker in your family, please show them these below. Putting up with my nonsense for an hour is worth it.
Remember when birthday parties were going to McDonald’s play place, community pool, or Skate Zone…Kids today are so much cooler. Needless to say this birthday was MY JAM. If you can’t tell by the photos—Stella had a FRIENDS party! It was months before COVID, and I feel like I need to say, I had the girls cuddle close together, because, COULD IT BE any colder?!?! Sorry, had to toss in at least one Friends reference.
We started in downtown Tulsa, and did the iconic Friends walking picture, plus LOOK at the frame mom scored!!! It’s the perfect yellow color of frame around Monica & Rachel’s peephole! I just love it! I have no idea how mom got 7 preteens and that giant frame in one vehicle—I took the frame home, so they didn’t have to drive around with it, and it barley fit in my car lol!
Then we hit up, the ADORABLE Candy Castle Ice Cream & Soda Shoppe in downtown Tulsa, for the girls to recreate the Friends milkshake photo. The owners were so sweet, kind, and accommodating for the 20 minutes that we took over the place. The girls loved it—I loved it—mom loved it—it was perfect!
I have to brag on the owners of Candy Castle for a minute. I had my hands full with my gear, oversized picture frame and I was parked at least 2 blocks away. It was January, already dark outside, and I wasn’t too excited to be walking to my car with my gear, wallet, and fumbling with this giant frame. So the owners offered to let me leave my things in the shop, while I walked to my car and pull up closer to the shop. I park right out front of Candy Castle, walk inside and the owner is standing there with 2 Italian sodas for me to take home! Plus she helped take all my things to the car! Seriously, if you haven’t tried them yet—they are the best.
Welp, Junior year was insane. Hopefully senior year isn’t as crazy. Cross your fingers it doesn’t get any weirder—I mean how could it. Let’s create something amazing instead! Something to look back on other than cancelled plans and face masks. You have one hell of a story to tell future generations, let’s document it.
“I got you Boo.”
-Me, to every senior client past, present, and future
Today was the last day of National Pizza Week, and we almost missed it. Disaster, I know.
If you’re in Oklahoma, we are having some cracked out weather rn. Thunderstorms, tornados, ice and snow, in about 18 hours. So yeah, my daughter and I were at Sam’s getting cereal. Lord help me if I run out of cereal on the weekend. My children might die. As we shopped we could hear the rain coming down hard, so naturally we took our time and waited for it to pass. It’s getting closer and closer to the time she usually eats lunch. As any mama second guesses every decision (no? just me? cooooool), do I wait it out and make her something at home—and risk a PISSED off 5 year old? Or bite the bullet and make her dreams come true and let her get her own giant slice of cheese pizza and way too big half lemonade/half tea. OH.THE.DRAMA.
The rain slows, and we head to self check out. It’s National Pizza Week. I have to let her. I got her to wait to eat until we got home, and I asked if I could take her picture. She was pumped. This super shy thing, comes out of her shell when a pizza slice the size of her head is involved.
No, she did not eat all of it. There was more left than actually pictured. Yes, her shirt says exactly what you think it does. We made it over Christmas break. She loves it, and plans on wearing to more even though the holidays are over. At any given time you’ll hear her singing THAT ONE LINE, as well as “Hair toss, check my nails, baby how you feeling? IT’S SUMMER!” I’m totally cool with heriot knowing all the lyrics just yet.
Happy National Pizza Week friends. Hope you got to enjoy some pizza…hopefully better than the cheap $2 pizza I bought my daughter. She loved it, and that’s all that matters.
xo, L.
Truth? New year; Same me. But I’m gonna try to be more organized and blog every.session. Eek! First blog of the 20’s—Here we go!
Sweet Baby M was the cutest little squish at her in home newborn session. LOOK AT THOSE CHEEKS. I mean come on. Plus, ALL THAT HAIR. My own babes had the littlest bit of fuzz for hair when they were born, so yeah. I was in love.
What I love the most about lifestyle newborn sessions is that it’s so natural. They can stretch, yawn, go cross eyed for a second, cry, find their fingers, smile, burp, spit up, poop and it’s all game for the final images in their gallery. I think Baby M hit every one on that list in the 90 minutes we had together…a couple things she did more than once. Read: she pooped four times on me. LOL! Brand new babies are perfect and amazing all on their own. A beautiful start—yet sometime messy and chaotic, to a new story.
How does that saying go? “Where you are now, is exactly where you were meant to be.” Baby M’s story is just that for her and her family. Even in the hardest days, this family’s story is one of love and life. Watching Mama soak in her new baby, seeing a new chapter of her own story unfold, is one that so many can relate too.
Baby M, you are loved more than you know. I’ll leave you with a favorite short story of mine.
xo, L.
If you were born with
the weakness to fall
you were born with
the strength to rise
-rupi kaur
Sometimes it’s hard to find the right words to say. I’ll be honest I’ve been putting off blogging Addie’s session, because how am I gonna make a 13 year old girl see how amazing she truly is…via blog post.
This is not a letter to my 13 year old self, or advice for Addie, it’s just some thoughts.
So, for me, I feel like people see me differently than I see myself. The way I see myself isn’t always in the golden sunset light I’m chasing. I see my flaws loud and clear. To hear someone say otherwise is a surefire way for me to 1-deflect, 2-find another flaw to discount myself, or even as low as to 3-question the authenticity of the person. So for me to post on-FREAKING-line, how cool I think this 13 year old is, it’d probably be devastating.
I remember being a teen. I remember losing my voice per say. I remember the hard, the fun, the rises and falls. I remember some of those moments as a teen shaped who I’d grow into as an adult. Some moments I’d go back to in an instant; others you couldn’t pay me or even promise me the world to go back. The bad comes with the good; and it flows like a river as a teen. But it’s our choice to see it as the bad or the good.
Addie, I think you’re pretty freaking cool. Like waaaaaay cooler than I was at 13. I’m pretty sure you were awesome from the moment you were born. Honestly, age 13 to 22, are kinda the sucky years. But they can also be pretty awesome. In the moments that do suck, I hope you choose to see the good. I choose to remember the friend who spoke up when I didn’t have a voice, the people who had my back when I didn’t think I could go on; and the ones who’d fight for me.
ANYONE who tells you they had it made or knew what they were doing at 13…peaked or is going to peak in high school. I know this isn’t your style, but I think it fits.
I will fight
I will fight for you
I always do until my heart
Is black and blue
-Don’t Give up on Me, Andy Grammer
Without further ado, Addie.
PS My 5 year old is OBSESSED with you. Not gonna lie, I’m not showing her you flipping the bird quite yet ;)
Three completely unrelated things happened this week and it made me want to have a Ted Talk. So welcome to my Ted Talk! Thanks for listening!
Time. I've been trying to edit whenever I get free moment these past few weeks; and it's hard. You get it. Your time is valuable to so many who depend on you. It makes your day to day hectic. Or life can just be too crazy. But my family still needs me, and daily things sometimes get put on hold.
I'd love to meet the mom or dad who works full time or stays at home full time to raise children, who says, "Yes we're free; We have nothing going on!" 😂
Riiiiight. Maybe after practice, lessons, tournaments, school, activities, homework, feeding the children (all.the.time) and lord knows what else. Hell, I feel like I have barley enough time to finish a REPLY text, before I get interrupted...and NEVER get the text sent. I don't know about you, but come Friday after work or Saturday morning, there is nothing else I want to do, besides NOT cook dinner and sink into my bed and watch my favorite movie.
But here's the thing. We only have so much time.
The three unrelated things:
1. My town had a teen killed in a car accident. When I heard, the boy's name and age wasn't given. My heart sank like anyone else's and I prayed it wasn't one of my seniors. He wasn’t a client of mine. But for someone, somewhere, he was. Almost daily I can go in a photography group, and find a story of “These are his last photos.” “She passed before we could get the session scheduled.” I could go on.
2. I had an inquiry for an extended family session. It was the first time this potential clients children were going to meet their (just shy of 100!) great grand mother. In her email the client wrote, "the sad likelihood that this is the last time we all will be together."
3. My middle child, and his wiggly tooth. He has been waiting and waiting for that first wiggly tooth to fall out. He's in first grade and feeling the pressure of not missing any teeth. 🙈 You know, once the first one falls out, they all start going. As much as I love those toothless grins, I LOVE more that we got photos of his (probably last) smile with all his baby teeth. I know he's growing up, but losing those baby teeth confirm how much time as really passed.
So yes, jumping into jammies, getting take out, mixing up candy corn and popcorn, and watching Harry Potter with my family on the couch sounds incredible. But the time we take to remember what's valuable and means the most to us, is worth YOUR time. The couch will still be there tomorrow. It'll be fine without us for one night.
Last thing, I promise. When I scheduled our family photos, it was a bit out of our budget. I went back and forth over if I wanted to spend that much. Then my budget conscience husband, came in with the ringer. "They're only this little once." He's right. Once in a life time.
Recent clients who made the time (and made the couch wait!) for the ones we love most, pictured below.
Have you been to Mad Eats in Owasso yet? If you haven’t, you can stop reading and just go now. I’ll wait. :)
But in case you’re like me, and the only free moments you get to yourself are at the end of the day; You’re probably in bed, exhausted with a million and one things on your mind and aimlessly scrolling on your phone is so much more appealing than leaving the house. Please enjoy the deliciousness of Mad Eats milkshakes via this adorable sister session. No shame.
These sisters are the sweetest pair! We shared secrets, skipped, twirled and of course made friends with the friendly staff at Mad Eats. We had so much fun, you can see the sugar high in the last couple photos. What you can’t see is the wind…while we were shooting outside it was very cold and so strong. We ended up on the opposite of the building I wanted to shoot but keeping the girls happy and not shivering was worth it.
Thanks for letting us play Mad Eats! You’re the best!
I know, right.
We fancy.
If you are ready to stop scrolling (drooling) over Mad Eats shakes…they have boozy shakes too. And pie. And all day brunch. I mean YUM.
Thanks a bunch Mad Eats!
We had permission to shoot at Mad Eats. If you’re a newer photographer or don’t know; please, please, please go through the right channels and get permission first when shooting at private locations and businesses.
xo, L.
You’ve heard it all before. As a photographer I get told secrets…and I love it! I’ll venture to say you might not find another photographer in Tulsa who loves it more than me. We find out before anyone else about some of the most exciting seasons of peoples lives! As someone who loves—I mean LOVES to surprise others, this is like me getting to live vicariously through Oprah—but with a camera. In my mind, “You’re getting engaged! You’re getting a grand baby! You’re getting a great grand baby!” Usually, not all at the same time, but you catch the drift. Seriously, the fun of it all is too much.
When I get one of these special secrets, I’m usually just so excited for the clients. I can keep secrets, no problem, but damn, if I am not BURSTING on the inside waiting for the official announcement from my clients! Although, when I personally know the client, it’s a whole other level.
This was one of those times. Jess is a teacher at my son’s school. Jess is hands down, just adorable in general, PLUS she wanted to bring their fur baby and incorporate her in the shoot. We shot this all the way back in January or February in Tulsa. It was like the skies parted and the cloud of a long winter vanished. Yes, baby announcements are the best surprises!
Downtown Tulsa is one of my favorite spots for sessions. The light is fabulous. The architecture is interesting and there is always something going on. I seem to notice or encounter a few odd occurrences when I’m downtown, Tulsa or otherwise. This baby announcement session was no exception. But isn’t that what makes it fun and memorable? Hopefully, right, lol.
The weather was great. The light was magical—thank you Tulsa! Obviously, the love and excitement for this baby was palpable. I loved hanging out downtown with this sweet little family. Baby boy will be here very soon, and I know his mama, daddy and big sister cannot wait to meet him! Enjoy!
I have a lot of pictures on our walls at home. I like to rearrange our wall art and photos every now and then. During the last revamp I took down my gallery wall, and limited myself to one framed photo of each kid…shocking, I know. It’s been that way for about a year, and I think it’s time to rearrange again.
I’m still working on my boys, but I got my youngest to play around for about 2.5 minutes with me. I can see a gallery wall coming together with just that couple minutes. Now to pick which one(s) make the wall. Sigh, decisions, decisions.
It was raining off and on most of the day. When I arrived at the ceremony site—a public waterfall—it was packed, not a single parking space open. The officiant and I played it cool, walked to waterfall to check it out…and it started to rain again. By the time we got back to our cars, the parking lot was empty. The rain had stopped and the bride and groom had just pulled up.
Not a single person walked up to the waterfall during the entire ceremony. We did a few shots at the waterfall after they said their vows. The first people to walk towards the waterfall, just happened to be when we finished shooting. It was perfect. congrats Emily & Darin!
PS—give me all the black & champagne wedding dresses!
Sofiya was SUCH.A.MODEL. She needed hardly any direction—she just posed away! She’d smile <snap>, sassy <snap>, hair flip <snap>. Dang girl. You killed your senior photos. So impressed!
Mommy & Me session at the Restore House in Broken Arrow, OK
Read moreShouldn’t we all have a photographer at our birthday parties? Especially when you turn 12 and have your best friends with you. Av and her friends were adorable and troopers in the COLD weather. Thanks for being goofy and all sorts of sassy with me for your party! Happy Birthday Av!
PS Aren’t they are adorably gorgeous?
The first day of spring. New season. New chapter.
Thank goodness.
xo, L.
I've taken a quiet hiatus from photography for health reasons. I've had people ask what happened, so here's the whole story.
My oldest and I, Nov 23, 2017, I was just starting to feel off.
Leading up to Thanksgiving I wasn't feeling well. I figured it was a bad migraine or a sinus infection. After a quick Urgent Care visit, I was home in bed with steroids. Days later I still wasn't feeling better and I thought I was breaking out around my hairline; new shampoo, no big deal. I woke up with a spot/blister ON my eyelid...gross. My daughter tossed a lego at my forehead...and I cried out in pain, this had to be something more than a sinus infection.
Long story short, I had shingles, on my eyelid, forehead, and scalp. Odd spots for shingles, and a little strange to get them in my 30's, but not a terrible case. Except for my eyelid. Turns out if the fluid from a shingles blister gets in your eyes you can go blind. Ugh. Three eye doctor visits, a lot of rest, and meds for nerve pain, I was feeling better in a few weeks. Hence hiatus #1.
Days 3 & 4 after shingles diagnoses.
Days 8 (with make up) & Day 13. Life at home was a free for all.
It was almost Christmas, the flu bug had hit everyone and their dog. I was so relieved I hadn't caught anything--my immune system was still weak after shingles. On Christmas Day, it hit our house. My 4 year old got a tummy bug, my 7 year old the flu and strep, my 3 year old the flu, and my husband got the flu...all over the course of a week. When I say relieved I hadn't caught anything, I mean: ready to lose my mind, I'm over changing sheets, cleaning up vomit, I need some sleep, relieved. It took about three weeks but we got everyone healthy again. Hence hiatus #2.
Literally our entire holiday break, plus 3 sick days from school.
End of January and everyone is finally healthy and happy.
We all actually got out of the house--she has blue teeth from a popsicle lol
I notice my back is crazy itchy. It spreads, but I don't think much, I'm trying a new soap, I'm sure that's it. I get a sore throat. I do a few tried and true home remedies and take a Tamiflu. No luck. Can strep cause a rash...? Yes. Yes it can. Flu and strep swab; flu negative, strep positive. Back to bed with meds. Two days later I have ZERO appetite, the WORST headache, nauseated and can't keep fluids down. Saturday we go to the ER for fluids and a stronger antibiotic to "knock out the strep." Swab for flu two more times, both negative, "but you probably have the flu."
First ER visit on Feb. 2
Side note in 2013, I had viral meningitis. I was in the hospital for 5 days, LOTS of pain meds and a pic line...with a 5 month & 3 year old boys at home. But that's a whole other story.
Back to the ER visit. I mention to my nurse, I've had viral meningitis, and this headache feels like before. She asks me to bend my neck, chin to chest. I bend as far as I can; "you're ok, if you had meningitis, you couldn't go that far. Follow up with your doctor on Monday.'' By Monday I am in unbearable pain at home. I pack a few things for my doctor visit because I'm about 99% sure they will admit me to the hospital.
My husband drops me off outside my doctor's office. He's already taken our boys at school & debating if he should take our daughter to the office with him. I walk inside and barely make it to the elevator. I looked BAD. The woman in the elevator with me, comments, "I know how you feel. Mondays, right? I was supposed to be here 30 minutes ago." I give a nod while I grip the handrail for dear life. The doors open and I'm debating if I can make it to check in without falling. I go for it...and make it to the closest chair--we're talking maybe 6 feet. I sit and try not to cry because of my headache and the ridiculous amount of energy it took to walk 6 or 7 steps.
In about 10 minutes I work up the energy to check in. My doctor touched my neck, turned it to the side, and I cried. Uncontrollable tears. So.Much.Pain. "Can you walk to the ER downstairs?" No. I'm by myself and I barely made it here without falling.
After blood draws, IV fluids, a CAT scan, a couple conversations I don't remember having, the ER doctor asks if I want to do a spinal tap. I've had one other spinal tap when I had viral meningitis. In my experience it was like getting an epidural while your'e in labor, but instead of contractions, your brain and spinal cord are swelling and affecting every part of your body. I won't go into detail here, but I have scoliosis, my spine is "S' shaped--which makes a spinal tap or epidural very difficult. This spinal tap took 5 needle "pokes." UGH.
Hope was a nursing intern that day. She wasn't allowed to do much of anything. I remember her standing near the door while two other nurses were drawing blood and starting an IV. She came back in later by herself and I got so nervous--no offense Hope, but I was a little scared at this point, and there way no way in hell I was going to let her near me; but luckily she was there to only ask me questions. My name, birthday, address, etc. Hope was the one closest to me when I was getting the spinal tap. She was the first one to reach out and hold my hand. Because that crap is PAIN. It was Hope, a nurse, another nurse peeking her head in the room, the ER doctor, and anesthesiologist all in the ER room with me.
I never saw the anesthesiologist's face, but I do remember his voice. The first thing he said to me was my hips were really out of alignment. He pushed on them hard...not like I was in any other pain but I get it, that's his job. I don't know if I was doing something wrong or my back was just THAT jacked up; after the 4th "poke" I could tell he was getting frustrated. He paused for a minute, maybe one nurse left to get something for him. I truly don't remember. I do remember Hope. Holding my hand the entire time, helping me through it, and staying with me during the whole thing. The senior nurse told Hope she could take her lunch now--MID SPINAL TAP--and sweet little Hope said, "no, I'll stay." I don't know if she was supposed to be in the room, if she felt like she needed to stay with me, or it was one of those things you geek out over when when you love your job. Whatever it was, I needed Hope with me.
I'm waiting for results and almost pleading for pain meds in my IV, when my husband walks in the room. Thank goodness, he took over. That state of mind when you're in pain, alone, scared and doctors are telling you IMPORTANT things you have to remember...NOPE. Not happening.
Bacterial meningitis caused by strep. 72 continuous hours of IV antibiotics in isolation. Blood work comes back the following day, I have mono as well. It could have been a very different story if we waited. Nothing for pain except Ibuprofen, because antibiotics. Isolation meant I couldn't leave my room and everyone who came in my room had to wear booties, a gown, gloves, and a mask. My husband even got called out a couple times for not wearing them. I didn't see a single person more than just their eyes, from Monday at 2pm until Friday at 2 pm. Except for my Thursday overnight nurse, her badge slipped out of her gown and I saw her photo. Tears. Isolation messes with your head. Hiatus #3
Hospital stays all blend together. My husband was there when he could. My in laws drove from Nebraska to watch the kids. My parents & our kids "Oklahoma Grandma" were my only visitors--she brought me nail polish and fake eyelashes--and they were perfect. I was a fall risk. I was allowed out of bed, but it was stressed that I call a nurse if I ever wanted move. They changed my IV three times. My brain was still swelling. When I became more coherent I remembered I was wearing an eye mask when they admitted me; which meant I had no idea where in the hospital I was, and hadn't seen anything but my room. I wore my eye mask most if not the entire time; the light hurt my eyes and head too much. I didn't open the blinds for five days. All I wanted was a shower. They made me wait four days. I gained water weight from fluids. Lost it all plus more when I felt sick from the eight meds I was taking at home. My last nurse told me to rest but try to get out a little, "Depression is real after meningitis." Hence hiatus #3
I would love to say I got home and I was back to myself. It's been almost 6 weeks, and I'm still not. There's good days and bad days. Still on meds. Weakness and pain all over my body. Hearing loss. Feeling off balance, having to hold on to something or someone when I walk because I feel like I'm going to fall or my legs are about to give out. Headaches from the spinal tap and lingering pain from brain swelling. All the joyful things that come AFTER being on IV antibiotics and antibiotics at home---you get the drift. Immune system is shot, getting fevers after doing normal everyday things. The exhaustion. Four hour naps during the day, sleeping 8-10 at night. Depression--I actually considered buying a dog. I didn't drive for about a week after I was released, the first time I did drive my reaction time was ridiculously slow. All the "Dory" moments--memory loss/concentration is legit after meningitis. I've lost count of how many times I'd start a conversation and completely forget the point or what we were talking about.
Seeing my babes for the first time after being released from the hospital.
Before I got sick I was in the wrong place. From here, I'm moving towards my "right place." I don't where it is or what it looks like, but I'm fairly sure it has a lot more yoga and dinner with friends there.
when the world comes crashing at your feet
it's ok to let others
help pick up the pieces
if we're present to take part in your happiness
when your circumstances are great
we are more than capable
of sharing your pain
the sun and her flowers, Rupi Kaur
I'm not one to ask for help. Bacterial Meningitis makes you stop and you HAVE TO accept the help. I am so grateful to my community and helping me pick up my pieces. I could never put into words how thankful for them. Friends who watched my kids, cleaned my house, my parents and in laws who took care of the kids, everyone who brought over dinners, friends who had to pick up where I left off--something I hated to do and can never repay. And Rich, my husband, who's been fantastic though all this. He's had his moments though, and he's absolutely kept his humor about it. "I didn't realize the depth of that, 'in sickness and in health' line."
I fell in love with Lainee and her sweet family the moment I read their client questionnaire. Amid all the junk going on in the world, work, family and our personal lives, the last thing Lainee wrote in the questionnaire was spot on. I get bogged down by life but her words are ones to truly live by.
"Our life is exhausting. Especially this year, but there is SO much to celebrate. That's what I want, pictures to celebrate what our life is like today, because honestly for us, we don't know what life will look like next year."
So much love to this family. I admire your honest and beautiful words <3
xo, L.
I love this little family & so happy I got to meet some extended family! I feel like this post is going to be filled with Miss 4 year old is in her prek class and MIGHT just have a little crush on her. He did make her a Christmas card ;)
Tyler's sister is a friend of mine. One day she showed me Tyler & Kassi's Facebook photo announcing their pregnancy. I was immediately in love with how ADORABLE they were and knew they were the PERFECT models for a location I'd been hoping to try out.
Kassi is one brave chick and didn't even bat an eye at basically rock climbing at 37/38 weeks. Congratulations to this gorgeous couple!
xo, L.