Mad Eats & Besties & Milkshakes

Have you been to Mad Eats in Owasso yet? If you haven’t, you can stop reading and just go now. I’ll  wait. :)

But in case you’re like me, and the only free moments you get to yourself are at the end of the day; You’re probably in bed, exhausted with a million and one things on your mind and aimlessly scrolling on your phone is so much more appealing than leaving the house. Please enjoy the deliciousness of Mad Eats milkshakes via this adorable sister session. No shame. 

These sisters are the sweetest pair! We shared secrets, skipped, twirled and of course made friends with the friendly staff at Mad Eats. We had so much fun, you can see the sugar high in the last couple photos. What you can’t see is the wind…while we were shooting outside it was very cold and so strong. We ended up on the opposite of the building I wanted to shoot but keeping the girls happy and not shivering was worth it. 

Thanks for letting us play Mad Eats! You’re the best! 

I know, right.

We fancy.

If you are ready to stop scrolling (drooling) over Mad Eats shakes…they  have boozy shakes too.  And pie. And all day brunch. I mean YUM.


Thanks a bunch Mad Eats!

We had permission to shoot at Mad Eats. If you’re a newer photographer or don’t know; please, please, please go through the right channels and get permission first when shooting at private locations and businesses.

xo, L. 

The Riggins Family l Tulsa Family Photographer

I'm gonna pretend like this was no big deal...but y'all...they TRAVELED to me...from a DIFFERENT STATE. Ahh, so awesome. This family is awesome. It was cold and rainy; but they knocked it out of the park! I loved spending time with this bunch, they were all so fun and way cooler than me. Amazingly, the sun came out right as we finished and it was gorgeous! I shooed all the kids away and said, "Sorry guys, this sunset is for mom & dad only!" 

I loved every minute with them! Come back!!