In Home Lifestyle Newborn Session in Tulsa, Ok

Truth? New year; Same me. But I’m gonna try to be more organized and blog every.session. Eek! First blog of the 20’s—Here we go!

Sweet Baby M was the cutest little squish at her in home newborn session. LOOK AT THOSE CHEEKS. I mean come on. Plus, ALL THAT HAIR. My own babes had the littlest bit of fuzz for hair when they were born, so yeah. I was in love.

What I love the most about lifestyle newborn sessions is that it’s so natural. They can stretch, yawn, go cross eyed for a second, cry, find their fingers, smile, burp, spit up, poop and it’s all game for the final images in their gallery. I think Baby M hit every one on that list in the 90 minutes we had together…a couple things she did more than once. Read: she pooped four times on me. LOL! Brand new babies are perfect and amazing all on their own. A beautiful start—yet sometime messy and chaotic, to a new story.

How does that saying go? “Where you are now, is exactly where you were meant to be.” Baby M’s story is just that for her and her family. Even in the hardest days, this family’s story is one of love and life. Watching Mama soak in her new baby, seeing a new chapter of her own story unfold, is one that so many can relate too.

Baby M, you are loved more than you know. I’ll leave you with a favorite short story of mine.

xo, L.

If you were born with

the weakness to fall

you were born with

the strength to rise

-rupi kaur

A post about time

Three completely unrelated things happened this week and it made me want to have a Ted Talk. So welcome to my Ted Talk! Thanks for listening! 

Time. I've been trying to edit whenever I get free moment these past few weeks; and it's hard. You get it. Your time is valuable to so many who depend on you. It makes your day to day hectic. Or life can just be too crazy. But my family still needs me, and daily things sometimes get put on hold.

I'd love to meet the mom or dad who works full time or stays at home full time to raise children, who says, "Yes we're free; We have nothing going on!" 😂

Riiiiight. Maybe after practice, lessons, tournaments, school, activities, homework, feeding the children (all.the.time) and lord knows what else. Hell, I feel like I have barley enough time to finish a REPLY text, before I get interrupted...and NEVER get the text sent. I don't know about you, but come Friday after work or Saturday morning, there is nothing else I want to do, besides NOT cook dinner and sink into my bed and watch my favorite movie. 

But here's the thing. We only have so much time. 

The three unrelated things:
1. My town had a teen killed in a car accident. When I heard, the boy's name and age wasn't given. My heart sank like anyone else's and I prayed it wasn't one of my seniors. He wasn’t a client of mine. But for someone, somewhere, he was. Almost daily I can go in a photography group, and find a story of “These are his last photos.” “She passed before we could get the session scheduled.” I could go on.

2. I had an inquiry for an extended family session. It was the first time this potential clients children were going to meet their (just shy of 100!) great grand mother. In her email the client wrote, "the sad likelihood that this is the last time we all will be together."

3. My middle child, and his wiggly tooth. He has been waiting and waiting for that first wiggly tooth to fall out. He's in first grade and feeling the pressure of not missing any teeth. 🙈 You know, once the first one falls out, they all start going. As much as I love those toothless grins, I LOVE more that we got photos of his (probably last) smile with all his baby teeth. I know he's growing up, but losing those baby teeth confirm how much time as really passed.

So yes, jumping into jammies, getting take out, mixing up candy corn and popcorn, and watching Harry Potter with my family on the couch sounds incredible. But the time we take to remember what's valuable and means the most to us, is worth YOUR time. The couch will still be there tomorrow. It'll be fine without us for one night. 

Last thing, I promise. When I scheduled our family photos, it was a bit out of our budget. I went back and forth over if I wanted to spend that much. Then my budget conscience husband, came in with the ringer. "They're only this little once." He's right. Once in a life time.

Recent clients who made the time (and made the couch wait!) for the ones we love most, pictured below.

Gallery Wall

I have a lot of pictures on our walls at home. I like to rearrange our wall art and photos every now and then. During the last revamp I took down my gallery wall, and limited myself to one framed photo of each kid…shocking, I know. It’s been that way for about a year, and I think it’s time to rearrange again.

I’m still working on my boys, but I got my youngest to play around for about 2.5 minutes with me. I can see a gallery wall coming together with just that couple minutes. Now to pick which one(s) make the wall. Sigh, decisions, decisions.

The Williams Family • Tulsa Family Photographer

I'm pretty sure I scared the you know what out of Anje when I told her not to have the girls wear matching dresses. I hope I didn't push them too far out of their comfort zone--but look how awesome they all look! I loved shooting these adorable (and sassy!) girls! 

Anje & John you have the sweetest family! Enjoy!

Stoni & Patrick • Tulsa Family Photographer

Family is not an important thing, it's everything.

-Michael J. Fox

When Stoni contacted a while back and told me this would the FIRST time her family had photos together, I felt so honored she choose me.  The way she spoke about each of her kids and how much she adored their family, was something truly special. <3

The Clark Family l Tulsa Family Photographer

I loved everything about the Clark Family! When I read through Jennah's answers on my client questionnaire I fell in love with them; and then we had their session and I fell in love with them even more! They are such a sweet family and laughed with me with I made a complete fool of myself TWICE during their session.  And ending our shoot with a few first birthday shots and Captain America didn't hurt either. ;) <3

xo, L.