The Williams Family • Tulsa Family Photographer

I'm pretty sure I scared the you know what out of Anje when I told her not to have the girls wear matching dresses. I hope I didn't push them too far out of their comfort zone--but look how awesome they all look! I loved shooting these adorable (and sassy!) girls! 

Anje & John you have the sweetest family! Enjoy!

Stoni & Patrick • Tulsa Family Photographer

Family is not an important thing, it's everything.

-Michael J. Fox

When Stoni contacted a while back and told me this would the FIRST time her family had photos together, I felt so honored she choose me.  The way she spoke about each of her kids and how much she adored their family, was something truly special. <3

The Clark Family l Tulsa Family Photographer

I loved everything about the Clark Family! When I read through Jennah's answers on my client questionnaire I fell in love with them; and then we had their session and I fell in love with them even more! They are such a sweet family and laughed with me with I made a complete fool of myself TWICE during their session.  And ending our shoot with a few first birthday shots and Captain America didn't hurt either. ;) <3

xo, L.

The Speakers Family l Tulsa Family Photographer

The Speakers Family has been a part of our family since Jan of 2017. We met Little Blue Speakers at gas station on the southern edge of Kansas. We decided that it was better for him to stay in Kansas, but he had other plans and followed us home to Oklahoma. Since Little Blue Speakers has been in our lives, he's made a family of his own. Mommy Speakers, Daddy Speakers, Little Speakers and Seamore. Although Little Speakers and Seamore look like a chihuahua and a seal, I have been assured they are twins.  

Our session was a little last minute, but the weather was great! I brought a tried and true blanket I use for a lot of my sessions; but they brought a blanket from home that has been in their family for 7 years! I was happy to oblige.

The one that started it all, Little Blue Speakers.

The twins, Little Speakers and Seamore.  

The kids were happy for a moment to take their photo together, then Seamore was not having it. He came around eventually.

The whole family together...there's always one in the bunch that doesn't want to look at the camera...Little Speakers... ;) I made some tooting noises and he loved it.

Mama was a little nervous when I posed them in a lying down shot, but the results are always beautiful. 

More of Mommy & Daddy Speakers loving on their babies <3

Once Little Speakers saw Seamore on Daddy's shoulders--he wanted in too! Bless you Daddy Speakers. We had a few tears when they fell off, but no one was hurt and they all hugged after. #familygoals

We wanted to get a few more with the whole family, and they did not disappoint.  They all might not look alike, but together they make a family. <3

Full Disclosure, Chase our middle one, fell in love with Little Blue Speakers on the way back from Christmas in a gas station. He hugged it goodbye and my husband secretly bought it and put him on his bed when we got home. Chase has found more of Little Blue Speakers family members, and he truly loves them. 

My sweet Chaser has woke up in my bed with his whole Speakers Family for the past few days. We were talking, and I said sometime I should take a picture of him with little Blue Speakers. He runs out of bed, gets dressed, comes back and says "we're ready!" with his family of stuffed animals.

It's 6:45am. Ok, let me get a camera. I grab a blanket, but he had a plan to use his brother's lovely blanket that he's had since birth (Thank you again Amanda!). We looked a little dumb in our pajamas (and Charlie in his underwear!) in the backyard shooting stuffed animals, mostly when I heard my neighbors start their cars. But my kids were in the backyard with me, posing, telling me what shots to do next, and loving every minute of it.  I've already ordered a canvas of one of them for Chaser's room. 

Ptak Family I Tulsa Family Photographer

I'm a bit of a location snob--and it showed at The Ptak's session. The original location I was nervous it was too close to a busy street, the second location had patches of poison ivy growing near by, and finally I settled for my back up of the back up location and it was perfect. PLUS, are they not the most gorgeous family you've ever seen?!?!? These girls are sweet as sugar AND they let me put flower crowns in their they are basically my most favorite people.


xo, L.

The Robak Family I Tulsa Family Photographer

Erin sent me a message a few weeks back, asking if I'd be in town anytime over the summer...I responded, "Yes! we're coming tomorrow! Don't feel pressure to book! I take weeks to plan outfits." With, of course, a embarrassed emoji included. She books and they show up like they had coordinated outfits for four just lying around! 

I adore Erin & Matt, they've been with me since the beginning--literally--they've been with me before I had studio space, and stayed though a move. I'm so lucky to have them. AND the fact that Claire came around to me at the end of their session was a personal feat for me. Without further ado, The adorable Robak Family <3

PS This is not their entire gallery. I just fell in love with alllllll of it.

PPS And I'll fall in love with allllll of yours too. <3

The Beck Family I Tulsa Family Photographer

I was so happy when Michelle booked a family session; I haven't seen her since college! The Beck's are such a sweet family--I mean look at all three of these beautiful boys! They were loud, fast, FUN and 100% perfect to me. <3  Plus the light that night was the cherry on top. Happy Summer Beck Family! <3

Tulsa Senior Photographer I Brannon I Class of 2016

I had such a great day with Brannon and his parents--it started a little rough with some rain drops and storms that looked like they were heading our way. But we lucked out and ended the evening with some awesome clouds and great shots of Brannon on the field! Congrats Brannon! On to college ball!

Spring Break!

I don't know about you but we are so excited for Spring Break! We loooove our teachers, but everyone was itching for a break. Our Spring Break plans have been a little derailed because of the weather...driving 8+ hours with kids is tough enough. Add in snow and driving in the dark; we'll pass. But that gives me plenty of time to check out some of my favorite spring locations around the area and see what's blooming!  Below is one of my favorites from last spring/early summer. Wild flowers and Queen Anne's Lace for days <3 <3 <3


The Cantrell Family l Tulsa Family Photographer

Want in on a little secret? I'm barely 5'2" not really a secret; but if you don't know me in real life yet, then news to you. Because I'm on the shorter side, I carry a small step stool with me to all my shoots. I almost feel lost without it.

On the day of the Cantrell's session I completely forgot to grab it. I was already at our location and there was no time to get it. I hoped Dad wasn't over 6 foot... NOPE. He definitely was at least a foot taller than me. lol! I may or may not had to ask him to stand in a ditch while I was standing on a rock to get a few shots. ;) Other than my height mishap, I had a great time with this sweet family. Lots of love, hugs, and one TALL dad. <3 <3 <3


Viola Davis, "Who are you wearing?" l Tulsa Family Photographer

I was watching the SAG Red Carpet Sunday night...bahaha! Just kidding, I was wiping snot from kids noses and making sure my husband didn’t die from “the cancer” aka his man cold. I watched clips of the red carpet on Snapchat and got sucked in by my boyfriend, Ryan Gosling. Le sigh....Sorry, daydreaming. 

Watching seven second Snapchat clips I got to see beautiful people, gorgeous gowns, grand hair, make up and all the pretty things I don’t wear on a regular basis. Seeing those gowns I was obviously curious who made them. I watched (read: clicked through the stars I didn’t know lol) a red carpet video and after watching Viola Davis, I was left wondering...“Who are you wearing?”

I was a little surprised the interviewers didn’t ask every interviewee that question. Shows you how many awards shows I’ve watched lately. But after a quick google, I was vaguely reminded about #askhermore. Where stars and the public were tired of the red carpet reporters only asking “Who are you wearing?” Which I agree...I mean remember the mani-cam from E! ? A camera with the only purpose of showing off manicures. Insert my eye roll here. We all love to have beautiful nails, but the world has MUCH bigger and better things to talk about than celeb nails.

My first thought after reading about #askhermore was, heck YEAH! Ask her more. These people are in front of millions daily. That’s influence. That’s eye opening. That’s a really big responsibility of doing good in the world.  

But I went back to my original reason I was there. Who made Voila Davis’ dress? In the video I watched, the interviewers didn’t ask who she was wearing, and I felt a little pang in my heart; because I know how it feels it be uncredited.

What if she was wearing a dress by some brand new, no one knows their name from Adam, designer. Imagine the how life changing it would be it for that designer to be mentioned even for just a moment. It could launch a career. To have a celebrity endorse you to millions of people! That’s marketing--that’s sales--that’s money. That’s why every one of us works, because you need to make money to live. That’s why giving credit is important. 

Actually, giving credit for any creative is more than just important, it’s needed and it’s the right thing to do. Hair stylists, chefs, designers, make up artists, writers, photographers, artists, the list of creatives goes on and on. But I’m gonna focus from a photographers stand point.

I LOVE when clients share their images--I am thrilled and it makes me so happy. I love it more when they give me credit. It gives me exposure and I am able to get more work. I’m able to stay in business to keep doing what I love and help make my family’s ends meet.  I am always excited when clients share images of their family on social media. When they tag me or even just give me a shout out--I feel valued. That the time I am away from my family is worth it. The way we all feel when we are given credit--no matter what our profession--for the work we have done.

When you share an image of your family that I took, for me (and I’d venture to say most photographers) it’s more than just clicking a shutter. It’s my work, my art, my creative heart, mind and eyes behind that photo. As much of that photo is you and your beautiful family, I put everything of me into making more than a photo--making magic stand still. 

Some creatives don’t need the work or the exposure. But giving credit is still needed and very considerate. You wouldn’t take lyrics or music from a song, and use it as yours to make your own song. People have before...and it’s a big big deal, that hardly ever ends well. 

I’m never going to call out a client for not giving credit--ain’t nobody got time for that! I probably won’t know or see unless I went and looked on every client’s page--again--ain’t nobody got time for that. I’d hope they’d love my images and service enough to tell their friends about me anyway. Or those friends would think to ask “who took your photos?” the next time they were looking for a photographer.

Giving credit is simple. Tag your creative. Ask them how they’d like to be credited. We live in a social media world--we are all self promoting. Giving credit by no means takes away from you. Your beauty, the genuine love in your family, the true emotions are never ever taken away by giving credit to the creative.  

Heck yeah, we are awesome regular people! Who have a lot more to give (#askhermore) than just pretty faces, dressed to the nines, as we walk hand in hand as a family, in a field or in front of a barn, like it’s the happiest we’ve ever been. #familyphotos

By the way, Viola Davis’ dress was by Vivienne Westwood. It was stunning--just like Viola Davis.



So I did a thing...

So I did it. I hemmed and hawed and stressed over it. But I finally entered my photos in Shoot & Share contest. I went "all in" and submitted the maximum number of photos you could enter. It's pretty gut wrenching--for me at least--putting myself out there, and waiting to fail; but I've failed before. So what's another one? I could fly too. I don't expect to place--I mean there was something like 225,000 photos submitted last year. And EVERYTHING was beautiful. 

Here's the fun part--YOU can vote! Anyone can and it gets pretty addicting. And you MIGHT just happen to see a photo from your session too. Check it out!

Voting starts Feb 1st at

The Wheelus Family I Tulsa Family Photographer

Tis the season for cold & flu. I have been dealing with sick kids for the past couple weeks--amazingly I am the ONLY one in our house who hasn't got sick (cross your fingers)! Not the flu, or an ear infection, just a really (really) gross cold. I'm up waiting for the next kid to cough him or herself awake, I figured I might as well blog!

The Wheelus family were models for me a few weeks ago. They were awesome at getting their wardrobe all together with me--I don't know how many dress options Becky and I texted back & forth lol. The boys were adorable and Becky was gorgeous in the perfect dress!  They were awesome--their sweet expressions just speak for themselves. It was a warm and perfect day to go hang out at Turkey Mountain. Which by the way--I think looks it's beautiful now, I can't wait to see what it looks like in the spring! Enjoy!!

Baby S - Tulsa Fresh 48 Newborn Photographer

Stephanie and I were friends in middle school but hadn't really seen each other since moving/college; so I was elated when she called and asked me to take birth/fresh 48 photos of her second, Baby S. She ended up having a C-section so I wasn't able to photograph the birth, but you can bet I was that creeper in hallway outside of her postpartum room before Mom, Dad, & Baby even arrived! I adore shooting fresh 48 sessions--especially when mom & dad want me to be there before any other family or friends arrives.

Capturing the first time big brother sees baby sister, the first moments grandparents get to hold their granddaughter, ever. Debba holding/kissing Baby S on the forehead is still one of my all time favorites. To quote Ashley Crawford, when she photographed my youngest's fresh 48 session, "they will now know each other their whole lives and yet, this is the first time they've met." What a special time and memory to have and look back on together. <3