Family Session at Sunset in Tulsa Oklahoma

J and her family have been with me from the beginning…of my work in Oklahoma. There are so MANY photographers, so it’s special to me when clients come back year after year after year. I just have to brag on this family. I always get THE kindest messages from J (aka mom) after our session:

“I don’t want to bug you while you’re with family. But want you to know that I’m just sitting here crying staring at the picture of the boys. I know you’re stressed and have so much going on but you should know that the way you capture those moments are just beyond what I can explain. I’m sitting here staring at that photo reminds me that they are the only thing that matters. Thank you so much for giving me that reminder ♥️”

Just let me bawl a moment to myself.

And now I need to brag on J (aka dad). I know family photos are probably like his least favorite thing to do. But he SHOWS up every time, he smiles, looks at J or the boys, loves on the boys, or looks at the camera ALL when I tell him to. Like I cannot make that dude crack a smile for the life of me if we’re just talking, but when the camera comes up to my eye, he’s on and does it all, just to make J happy.

If you have a reluctant picture taker in your family, please show them these below. Putting up with my nonsense for an hour is worth it.