Hi! I’m so happy you’re here. My first real blog--I’m honored to have you.
Let’s be honest. Blogs are scary. I mean, you’re putting yourself out in front of the INTERNET. You know, that thing that everyone has access to...yay. I love opening myself up to the world for trolls and criticism--Sounds like fun!
I can’t promise I’ll blog daily (lol--we all know that won’t happen) or my posts will be funny or clever or even spelled well. But this is my work and I’m pretty proud of it. I am enough.
“I am less concerned with doing things correctly than I once was and more concerned with showing up and loving hard.”
-Molly Mahar via Team StrateJoy
Personally, I’m less worried about making perfect pretty pictures; I want to cultivate the love I see in front of me.
So, get some coffee in your favorite mug, your softest blanket, curl up and look at pictures of real love at its core. Here’s some of my wonderful friend Christin and her sweet family. #boymom ;)
xo L.